Monday, January 11, 2010

Lenticulostraite vasculopathy in preterms-Implications?

Recent article reassures us that lenticulostriate vasculopathy is a benign temporary phenomenon seen in 20% of preterms <32 weeks. It is seen on cranial ultrasound and not on MRI surprisingly. The link

Thursday, January 7, 2010

How much colostrum?

It is surprising that a term baby who is purely breast fed takes an average of 15+/- 11 grams in first 24 hours! The study is published in Jan issue of J.Peds 2010.

Beta Stimulants in Pregnancy-Any Harm?

Recent review in AJOG points to possible association between beta stimulants used for tocolysis (>2 weeks) as well as oral beta stimulants used in asthma with possible autism and other psychiatric disorders. They caution to limit the terbutaline to a max of 48 hours and use only inhaled albuterol. They discuss shift of balance between sympathetic and parasympathetic activity due to over stimulation of beta2 receptors during nervous system formation. Interesting buy, I feel it needs more evidence and research.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Propranolol was used suucessfully in treating infantile hemangiomas (Pediatrics September 2009). It allowed even stopping of systemic steroids.

Delayed Cord Clamping-is It Good for Preterm baies?

JS.Mercer n Journal of Perinatology Jan 2010 issue showed that delaying the cord clamping in 24-31 week preterm births improves neurological outcome in short term (7 months follow up). Immediate is <10secs and delayed is defined as 30-45 secs and the baby held 10-15 inches below the placenta. Males had an advantage compared to female infants. Incidence of IVH was 17% in delayed vs 34% in immediate clamping group (statistically not significant though!)

Is Hereditary Spherocytosis underdiagnosed?

In a recent article by Dr. Christensen in Pediatrics Jan 2010 found that at least babies might have missed the diagnosis of HS. They speculated that if MCHC is more than or equal to 36gm/dl could prompt the physicians to the possibility of HS.